
Noumena Corporation

Whitmore Lake

Noumena Corporation is a lean and mean group of experts who provide services to the high-tech community.

We have helped enterpreneurs convert ideas to products, expand and extend existing products.

Every person involved with Noumena brings over two decades of real-world experience to the task of solving your problems.

Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide
Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide was first published in 1999. The fourth edition was released in 2025.

The feature list includes:

  • Covers new features in Tcl 9.0.
  • Describes using Tcl with AI
  • Explains using TclOO.
  • Explains using TDBC Database connectivity.
  • Discusses several tcllib modules.

Visit Devguide pages

Noumena Corporation has been in business since 2000, providing software solutions and training to companies around the globe.

Let us help you meet your deadlines.

Self Directed
Noumena Corporation has been providing training to companies around the globe since 2000.

If you prefer to learn on your own, here are some resources.

Custom Application Development
Custom applications developed quickly and within budget.

See your ideas become reality!

Tcl Training
Noumena provides on-site instructor-led Tcl, Linux and Database training.

Our instruction staff consists world-known experts who bring decades of experience to your site.

Clif Flynt has given talks at Open Source events in the US and Europe.

He's always interested in speaking about new developments in Tcl, Linux, and other open source activities.

Obfuskit is a wrapping tool for Tcl/Tk applications.

The feature list includes:

  • very portable pure Tcl VFS.
  • Supports Mac/OS, Linux 32, Linux 64, Win 32, Win 64
  • Supports code signing
  • Supports user-defined encryption
  • Supports live update

Obfuskit 1.2 Source as zip

Editomat is a new software package to help writers create better prose.

This package highlights style issues including passive voice, weak words, and long sentences. It also analyzes dialog, sentence construction, connotation vs denotation and much more.

The Editomat website

Mentoring puts an expert at your elbow.

Get the answers to questions without wasting hours reading the web.

Clif Flynt and Noumena have been supporting Tcl since the mid 1990s.

Some of the free tools, information, white papers, etc are available here.

Linux Training
Noumena provides on-site instructor-led Tcl, Linux and Database training.

Our instruction staff consists world-known experts who bring decades of experience to your site.